Jill Jackson

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This was a bit of a funny one, the wonderful Ben Cowie, who I work with quite a lot, was doing some work for Jill Jackson ahead of the launch of her new album. I went along to lend a hand, and ended up doing a little bit of filming (which I'll link to when it's all live and out in the world).

Main location for the day was an incredible old warehouse with a layer of caked dust on the floor and so many awesome things lying about. It looked so nice in the swathes of sunlight coming in through the ceiling, which seemed about to blow in the entire time we were there. All this, in the middle of a Glasgow industrial estate, above a fishmongers (that generated a full day of fishy puns!).

The man behind the camera down below is Niall Walker, who makes some remarkably pretty things, like this video which I blogged about a while back.

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