Stevie & The Moon

On a weekend when I was devastated to see a song by one of my favourite bands decimated by the winner of a 'talent' show, my faith in the joy of music was maintained by the wonder that is Stevie & The Moon. I have photographed these guys a few times now, and seem them play a few more, and I've never heard Stevie miss a note. Not a mean feat considering the force he is performing with. Really, a stunning example of what can happen when you play music you love, rather than music that you think other people will love.

The show was a launch for their new split single Wolves / Rainbows, which you should instantly go and buy from iTunes.

Some of my pictures from the show below

Stevie & The Moon

Stevie & The Moon

Stevie & The Moon

Stevie & The Moon

Stevie & The Moon