Euan Robertson

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Case Study // Walnut Wasp

Walnut Wasp is a small (but perfectly formed!) creative agency, generating story driven, differential creative for an array of awesome clients. They have a history of being pretty epic video creators, photographers and designers. 

So, when they ask me to photograph portraits for their web presence, well, that’s a bit of pressure right there isn’t it?! Quite flattering through. But still, pressure.  

They’re a small team, but spread across location and time, meant it was impossible to shoot everybody at the same time. But obviously consistency was important. The brief was to shoot dynamic black & white portraits of each of their staff to show some of the personality that lies behind the brilliant work that they produce. Which, as far as briefs go, is pretty brilliant. Lots of scope to play with technique and interact with these fascinating folks.  

These were shot across three sessions in three different locations. You can see some of them popping up on their website, and their socials are worth a follow to see what they’re putting out to the world.